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Westerville Art League - Member application - Community Events/Call for Entries - Contact Us - Art in Public Places - Favorite Community Links - WAL Member Artwork - Pictures of our art league events - Recent Press articles My Photos Blog

How to reach us.....

The Westerville Art League meets the Fourth Tuesday of each month (except Jun, Jul, Aug and Dec).  The public and new artists are always welcome.  Usual meeting space is at the Westerville Public Library, Meeting Rooms A



President -

Kathy Wise - kathwise@hotmail.com

Secretary -

Karen Chambers - Karenc@etcol.com

Treasurer -

Newsletter -

Letha Foster - Letha100@wideopenwest.com

Please have the newsletter articles in to letha by the 10th of each month.


Art in Public Places -

Sylvia Collins

Publicity -

Gail Paulus - creativeheartsstudio@yahoo.com

Spring Show - Vacant


Website - Renee Kropat - programs@gallery202online.com